Questions & Answers
Common Community Questions
Many community members shared interest in being able to access answers to community questions in an auditory format. We have compiled a list of videos addressing the most frequently asked questions we've received to date.
You can view all of the videos in a single playlist, Common Questions, or individually by selecting a question from the list below.
If you have questions, comments or concerns, please let us know. We want to hear your feedback.
Q11 – What after school activities might be offered?
After school activities will be driven by student and family interest and available resources and expertise. They may include chess, environmental programs, gardening, drama, and sports like track and martial arts
Common Questions
Why start a new public school when we already have good public schools in Pullman?
How did you come up with the growth enrollment plan that you have proposed?
What will be the age groupings and how many students per class?
What are the main features of the adolescent program and their age groupings?
Why might we need a lottery for enrollment and how will it work?
Will foreign languages be offered and if so, what might they be?
community input session results survey
We are sorry you were not able to attend our event and share your thoughts. This survey represents the combined feedback from both community sessions. We would like to get your opinions on which elements are the most important and see if you have further input to provide. This information will guide us in future exploration and planning as we continue to prepare to open Pullman's first public Montessori school.