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Expanding windows of opportunity through personalized place-based Montessori education. 


mEET oUR Trustees

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Robin McDonald


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Beverley Wolff


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Alan MacPhee


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Stephanie Bixby


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Chris Albano


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Michelle Bosley


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Efren Ramos


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Board meetings


Our Board of Trustees meets monthly at 5:15 PM (PST) on the 3rd Thursday of the month.  We meet in person at the Gladish Community and Cultural Center in room 115 and also retain a virtual ZOOM option for attendance. All board meetings are open to the public. At least 48 hours prior to each meeting the meeting agenda and packet are made accessible.  Meeting minutes are posted within 48 hours after the close of the meeting. 

PCM has contracted with BoardOnTrack to help support our board and better manage public access to our calendar, agendas, associated materials, and minutes. BoardOnTrack is a well-recognized charter board support agency who has successfully guided governance philosophy at over 500 charter schools across the country.


Meetings are accessible to persons with disabilities. Special aids and services can be made available upon advance request. Advance request for special aids and services must be made no later than 5:00 p.m. 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Please call 711 or (800) 833-6388 to reach the Washington State Relay Service for deaf callers. If you need assistance due to a speech disability, Speech-to-Speech provides human voice for people with difficulty being understood. The Washington State Speech-to-Speech toll-free access number is (877) 833-6341

Public Comment

Advance request for public comment should be made no later than 5:00 p.m. 24 hours in advance of the meeting. To make this request or to provide written public comment, please email by the deadline provided. Written public comment will be read at the meeting, however, if you’d prefer to provide oral public comment, and you are present you will be called upon to deliver your comment orally. The Board may respond to public comment during the meeting but may choose to deliberate at a future meeting depending on the meetings agenda and the nature of the request or comment.  For more details view PCM's Grievance & Conflict Resolution Policy.

considering Board or Committee Service?

WHO can apply

Anyone may apply for an open board seat or committee position. The PCM founding board is committed to expanding our board to reflect the ethnically and professionally diverse community we serve. While we take our stewardship role of public funds seriously, we are also committed to giving our community voice in that management. Therefore, while the PCM Board may consider a few members outside our community, the majority of seats will be filled by our local community members. For a candidate outside of our community to be considered, they must hold exceptional expertise that aligns to PCM’s mission, vision, and goals. If a candidate is elected by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees they must submit to background check.

If you are interested in serving on the PCM Board of Trustees please send an inquiry email to with the subject title: BOARD SERVICE and your completed Candidate Questionnaire attached.

general ROLE

While the board has numerous responsibilities, its chief objective is ensuring PCM’s Financial, Organizational, and Academic success through high quality governance. The ultimate governance role of PCM’s full BOT includes the following:

  1. Safeguard PCM’s mission and vision and secure sufficient resources to fulfill it.

  2. Assess its own performance regularly.

  3. Ensure transparent, strategic, and effective resource allocation.

  4. Hire, support, and assess the performance of PCM’s head of school.

  5. Serve as ambassadors for the organization.

  6. Set clear policies and procedures.

  7. Use SMART goals to create a clear track for success and compliance.

  8. Monitor and ensure legal and regulatory compliance.

required qualifications

  • Belief in the mission of PCM.

  • Passion and commitment to high-quality education and serving the needs of ALL students.

  • Capacity to give time and energy and a willingness to provide access to resources, both financial and in-kind, to support and strengthen the school.

  • Professionalism, entrepreneurialism, resourcefulness, and critical thinking.

  • Ability to work effectively on a diverse team.

  • Acceptance and support of decisions made in accordance with the bylaws;

  • Willingness to leverage personal and professional networks and resources on behalf of the school.

  • Committed to self-reflection and personal growth.

  • Open to expanding cultural competence and personal understanding of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

  • Commitment to anti-racist governance.

  • Eager to contribute personally while honoring the full board commitment to the community and the PCM’s mission and vision.

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